As an NYC CEO, projecting the right image is crucial.
But where should you start?
This is where an NYC CEO image consultant can help.
Your image as an executive in New York can have a huge impact on your professional success.
Not only can your style and appearance affect how others perceive you, but it can also impact your ability to execute on your vision and goals.
Fortunately, your professional image is something you can control.
What does an image consultant do?
Photo Credit: @NextLevelWardrobe
A CEO image consultant helps you craft your appearance for impact.
A great NYC CEO image consultant will evaluate your industry, your role, body, personality, location, and goals to create a powerful brand image for you.
This means an image consultant also needs to consider your professional goals. For example, do you need to convey trust or innovation? What about authority or confidence?
From there, they will help you create a closet that matches this vision. They can also make suggestions for how you can alter other parts of your appearance to match your goals.
The end result?
You should look (and feel) more put together, confident, and capture attention when you enter a room.
Why should I hire an image consultant?
Photo Credit: @ToryBurch
The reality is that people, especially in a professional context, judge us based on how we look.
This applies to everyone you interact with at the office, clients, coworkers, and your boss.
In fact, dressing correctly can be seen as a sign of emotional intelligence.
Dressing correctly at the office (or on Zoom) signals that you are aware of your surroundings and the image that the company wants to represent.
In fact, if you’re missing the mark style-wise, your boss or manager might think you just “don’t get it.”
Hiring an image consultant is the perfect solution for executives who realize the importance of an image strategy, but have little time to create one.
Just like hiring coaches in other areas of life (like personal trainers, business coaches), an NYC image consultant can help you achieve long-lasting results.
Why is image so important for NYC executives?

Creating a powerful brand image is especially important in a competitive location like New York City.
Not only is NYC style is different from other cities (like LA), but you need to be at the top of your game. In fact, the more you progress in your career, the more small details in your style matter.
In other words, you need to be aware of granular elements of your look (like fit and quality) and the overarching image you’re creating.
You need to go to work dressed in a way that reflects your personal brand and the company brand.
This can be especially difficult when dress codes and office trends are changing rapidly. Recently, even traditionally conservative environments such as Wall Street have adopted more casual dress codes.
As an executive in New York City, you’re likely working with the best of the best in your industry on a daily basis. Don’t let your style hold you back.
How do I find an image consultant (in NYC)?
Photo Credit: @RobinRobertsGMA
Hiring an NYC Image Consultant is a great way to quickly enhance your brand image.
But how do you find a CEO Image Consultant in New York City?
Start by looking on Google and checking out stylist reviews and social media pages.
Next, consider a few questions:
1. Do you like the image consultant’s style philosophy?
2. Can you see the results they have achieved for their clients? Client before and after photos can help you decide if the stylist understands your needs as a professional.
3. Are you looking for a custom brand strategy and a versatile wardrobe strategy or just a quick closet update?
Answering these questions will help you choose the right image consultant for you.
At Next Level Wardrobe, we help you assess your professional brand goals, create a custom strategy to achieve that vision, and build a closet that makes you feel confident and powerful.
To start improving your professional image, apply for our Men’s Executive Image Consulting and Women’s Executive Image Consulting services.